30. Juni 2007

Mew - 156

from my boat i can see your house
and when the light are on
i can watch you move
hear the wind whispering your name
twice the encouragement
of the real you
callie if you really want me to
i can always get you down
if you got the money for me
callie in the summer rain
you will be kept dry you see
if you got the money for me
making amends for distant wrong
you can run away
leave your books behind you
but you should look back twice
just to be on the safe side
from my boat i can see your house
but now the lights are off
and there is no one home
you are just like an avalanche
cold as i might have guessed
but at leased i'm covered up for now
in a big, big way
i am really small
i get off my feet
but i'm still distant
don't you just love goodbyes?
callie let us get it over with
i can always get you down
if you got the money for me
callie in the summer rain
you will be kept dry you see
if you got the money for me
most of our lives we try so hard
to find the time
i wont care for you
like i'm really suppost to
there are things i'll do
that could really hurt you
don't you just love goodbyes?

---> Video

29. Juni 2007

Rummel '07

28. Juni 2007

in die nacht

27. Juni 2007

die eigenen vier wände

26. Juni 2007

unser leben wird sich ändern

25. Juni 2007

leben in einer gewöhnlichen welt

24. Juni 2007

keine sonne, kein wind

23. Juni 2007

fitter happier

Fitter, happier, more productive, comfortable, not drinking too much, regular exercise at the gym (3 days a week), getting on better with your associate employee contemporaries, at ease, eating well (no more microwave dinners and saturated fats), a patient better driver, a safer car (baby smiling in back seat), sleeping well (no bad dreams), no paranoia, careful to all animals (never washing spiders down the plughole), keep in contact with old friends (enjoy a drink now and then), will frequently check credit at (moral) bank (hole in the wall), favors for favors, fond but not in love, charity standing orders, on Sundays ring road supermarket (no killing moths or putting boiling water on the ants), car wash (also on Sundays), no longer afraid of the dark or midday shadows, nothing so ridiculously teenage and desperate, nothing so childish - at a better pace, slower and more calculated, no chance of escape, now self-employed, concerned (but powerless), an empowered and informed member of society (pragmatism not idealism), will not cry in public, less chance of illness, tires that grip in the wet (shot of baby strapped in back seat), a good memory, still cries at a good film, still kisses with saliva, no longer empty and frantic, like a cat tied to a stick, that's driven into frozen winter shit, the ability to laugh at weakness, calm, fitter, healthier and more productive, a pig in a cage on antibiotics.

radiohead - fitter, happier

in der mitte der welt

22. Juni 2007

ihr könnt euch schonmal drauf freun'

21. Juni 2007

bitte denk an morgen

20. Juni 2007

perfect world

19. Juni 2007

ich wollte nicht, dass er geht

18. Juni 2007

17. Juni 2007

meide die popkultur

16. Juni 2007

jeden tag eine neue enttäuschung

15. Juni 2007

ich will da sein

14. Juni 2007

die zeit, die uns bleibt

13. Juni 2007

shine a light

12. Juni 2007

weißt du, wie man einfach verschwindet?

11. Juni 2007

das ende der besuchszeit

10. Juni 2007


9. Juni 2007


8. Juni 2007


7. Juni 2007

ein warmer abend

6. Juni 2007


5. Juni 2007


4. Juni 2007

komm her und sieh, was hier passiert

3. Juni 2007

das bild von uns wird ungenau

2. Juni 2007

auf ein neues

1. Juni 2007

hier ist mein standpunkt

alles gute zum kindertag,
liebe kinder.
nichts gutes zum kindertag,
doofe kinder.